Thursday, September 8, 2011

Get your SERVE on!!

So I have been a part of the blogging world for a little over 2 years, long before I had a blog I read blogs. It is a fun hobby that I love! One of my ALL TIME favorite bloggers is Patrice (also known as Jonah's mommy!!) She is a down to earth lady who writes with humor about her everyday life taking care of Jonah who has EB. Jonah is adorable, really go over and check him out, he will make your heart melt into a million pieces! I wish he lived closer so he and Caylee could have a play date!! They are only about a month apart, I know they would be great pals! So Patrice is a definite go getter, she has organized great fundraisers many things, including DEBRA which is a foundation that helps out EB families, she also organized fundraisers to earn money to help baby Anton come home from the orphanage and now she has come up with this really cool idea called "Get your Serve On". If you get a minute hop on over and check her out! Grateful for Giggling Girls (I am nicknaming us GGG) is going to link up with Patrice and Get our Serve on. I have had this idea rolling around in my head for months since I read about the concept out in the blogosphere, it is a Community Clothing Swap and I am so excited to announce that I am putting this event together in our Community! My church is going to allow me to use our building to host it and the date is October 15th!! I haven't set on a official time yet! The concept is that I will accept donations (in abundance I hope!) and then set it up in the church like a store, and then those in the community that have a need for clothing in the coming months can come shopping for FREE, no money exchanged, no goods exchanged, no questions asked! I am hoping to arrange for help in the nursery so that mother's can shop while the kiddos play, and to have cookies and punch! Did I mention I can't wait!! One statement that Patrice said that really stuck with me was that an excuse that we often use, myself included, is that my kids are to young to get anything out of serving others, they aren't going to understand it, Patrice countered that argument by saying, what if our kids grow up never knowing what it is like NOT to serve, what if serving others is something they have always known... That statement really got me thinking! I want my girls to be eager to serve others, to always be helpful and not do things only to earn money or recognition! So do you have it in you? Are you willing to jump aboard the Get your Serve on train? With God's help we can change one life, one event, one community, one person at a time!!!  If this is something that you want to consider, then head on over to the Get your Serve on facebook page, and join! There are lots of good ideas being shared over there! and hop over to see Patrice, she tells all about in her blog post The proposal !! If you do decide to jump on the movement, leave me a comment I can't wait to watch it grow!!

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