the one I didn't put down for the first year of her life unless it was to very rarely share her with her daddy or another family member!! The same one that I rocked, and sang to, and cuddled and kissed until I am sure she would have slapped me if she had been able too!! oh her cheeks were IRRESISTIBLE!! she looked like Mrs. Magoo with her big blue eyes and bald head! Really she couldn't have been any cuter if she tired!
She was my real life baby doll!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVED being a mommy!
Anyway back to the unbelievable......SHE TURNED 6!!!! 6 years old! No way right! I am still in some kind of denial!
But denial or not she Rocked her way right to 6 and celebrated it in a big way! We rented out the community center in Auburn ( for 25 bucks, this is the way to have a party!!) and she invited her whole class plus all of our friends kiddos of which the final count at the party was..ohh umm 21!! CAN WE SAY INSANE!!! The theme as you can see from above was A Rocker theme so we set up a stage in the corner and decorated with Christmas lights and Carleigh's Auntie Tricia brought us an amp and her zune and it was way more awesome than any DJ service! (this party would not have been a success without the help of our auntie trish!)
We hung up Rock star Poster's made from her rock star photo shoot! ( I was able to make 5 posters for around ten bucks!! total steal!)
Dessert table which had Guitar shaped suckers, cupcakes, guitar cake(made by ME! my best yet!), & M&M's
We don't have a picture but Meme brought up the mother load of balloons which added the prefect touch to each table!!! and then all heck broke lose when all the kids arrived! It was pretty much controlled chaos!! 

We have lots of fun pictures, We tried to get Carleigh's picture with each kid, I can't show them on this blog since it is public and I can't show identifiable pictures of other people's kiddos but trust me they are great!!!
The macreana!!! ( I felt old when my nieces had never done this dance before!!!)
We all had a great time celebrating Carleigh turning 6!!!
Myself included!!!!
Carleigh Girl, mama can not believe you have been my baby for six years already!! You are so special and spunky, adorable and funny, smart and joyful, and just all around a great kid! You are in kindergarten and are already reading independently, doing math, and scoring AWESOME on your report cards, you get along well with others and don't know a stranger. You get your feelings hurt easily when other kids don't want to play with you but you easily move on to the next friend who will. You are eager to help me, and don't mind doing things around the house to help out! You are stubborn when you want to be but that is mostly a good thing! You are an AMAZING big sister, you are patient and kind with Caylee, you share well with her and love her. You have never had a moment of sibling jealousy and I hope neither of you ever will! We go to the doctor in a couple of days for your 6 year check up so I will have to update your stats but you are changing and growing every day!! Your dad, sister and I love you SO much and we can't wait to see what the next year brings!!! XOXXOXO
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