Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Caylee and Carleigh says old edition

This is an old draft I found waiting to be published!! oops! :)

  Upon getting Caylee ready for the night I notice she has a brown skid mark in her undies ( I am not sure of the politically correct way to say that blog world sorry!) Before I could say anything Caylee looks down at her undies and sighs very heavily and says dead serious " Dad pooped in my undies again" I was completely caught off guard but before I died laughing I managed "WHAT?!?!" "yup, he took off my undies, put them on to poop in them, and then put me back in them...geeesh" with another very heavy sigh....... my sides hurt from laughing so hard at this one!

Carleigh was watching a Christmas movie that had Mistletoe in it, all of a sudden she disappears into her bedroom and reappears with her own homemade mistletoe on a red piece or yarn. "Here daddy hang this up for me" Mama come stand under it so he can kiss you" so we obliged only to hear EWWWWWWWWWWW and for her to run off, Next thing we know Caylee runs over to her daddy with her piece of red yarn "here Daddy hang up my MistleTALL, stand under my mistleTall mommy!!!

We took the girls to the Parade of Lights and as Santa came by I hear Carleigh exclaim "It's Santa, It's Santa, oh my gosh I am going to faint!!!

Caylee ate dinner at her meme's one night and when I asked her what  she had she said "fagaccini" I said you mean fettuccini and she said that's what I said mom "the best fagaccini ever"

We have a few people in our families that are pregant and randomly one day while driving down the road the following conversation took place with Carleigh "Mom how long after you get married is it before you go into labor?" (I was internally thinking, (A) this conversation is going to someplace I am not ready to go yet with my seven year old and (B) I am really glad she thinks you have to be married to get pregnant! LOL!!!) Me: "Well it just depends, daddy and I were married three years before you got in my tummy......"well geesh mommy it sure didn't take long for a STORK to bring a baby and put it in a person "who shall remain nameless's" tummy And here is the moment where I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief that my seven year old still believes a Stork brings babies to your tummy!!! Oh Carleigh, hold on to that nieveness for a while longer!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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