Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Let them be little.........

My dream to be a mom is deep rooted, and when I struggled to get pregnant I often begged God for the chance and made promises to Him like maybe somehow I could change His mind on the off chance that never having children was my destiny! Thankfully for me God gave me two beautiful little girls but those promises I made to Him are never far from my mind! I know that God didn't give me my girls because I begged and bargained with Him, I know that was just my way of dealing with the matter at hand. But one thing I remember praying was Lord, please give me babies and I promsie to never rush them to grown up, I will cherish them and Lord I will let them be little! We will mess, and play and we will rock and I will hold them until they are sick of being held, I will kiss every booboo and I will not rush them to grow up....and it is very true that I haven't rushed them and I have enjoyed MOST minutes of them being little LOL! In a lot of ways I struggle as a mom, I am often times not patient enough, I probably yell to loud, don't punish often enough and even when  I do punish it never lasts for long, I let them play ball in the house and we kick the soccer ball down the hallway, the little darlings fill the bath tub to full and then I find them sliding down the incline like it is a water slide splashing from one end of the tub to the other, we don't make our beds everyday ( I know living on the wild side with this one! LOL!) and sometimes I let them eat bread sticks, and canned cheese for dinner, BUT I try so hard not to rush them to grow up. This song has been my mantra on days when my patience's are running thin! It helps me to remember on days when my expectations of my almost 3 year old and 6 year old aren't realistic of where they should be, when I am treating them like "Big" girls instead of little ones, this song knocks me back into prospective!! Enjoy!

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