I wish I could say it isn't so, that my sweet last born didn't just turn three, but alas she did and of course I do want her to grow up, healthy and happy, but man it is sure bittersweet to witness your last little one turning into a little person, leaving babyhood behind and becoming more independent and opinionated! and oh my goodness is Caylee both of those!! :) We celebrated her big day with multiple festivities! On Friday night Tim's family came over for a birthday dinner and then on Saturday we had her kid's party at Build a Bear Workshop!
GREAT PARTY idea for any of you mom's out there!! It was so fun and I didn't have to do any party prep we just showed up and they took over!!! The played games and stuffed their bears and then fluffed there bears! Then we all went up to the food court and ate a big cookie and went to ride the train! it was lots of fun! and then on Sunday we went to brunch with my side of the family and went to the park! Needless to say our birthday girl was pretty worn out from all the fun by Sunday night!!!
Caylee girl,
Mommy just can not believe that you are already three years old!!! I remember being pregnant with you and wondering what you were going to be like, what kind of qualities you were going to have and being anxious to see how you were going to make your presence known in a room where your big sister was always quick to steal the show! But I didn't have to worry for long! From the minute you came out, Carleigh loved you and she was quick to pull you right into the center of attention with her! and it wasn't long before you showed her that you didn't need her help, you knew how to run the show without her! I love the way that you talk with your eyes, you are so animated and those big blue eyes speak everything you are not saying! You are VERY stubborn and strong willed and I hope those are traits you hold onto as a teenager and adult and that you learn to use them well, if you want to quit using them so much right now, that would be okay with mommy though!! Let's see right now you weigh 52 lbs and are super tall, I haven't measured you lately but I will update that as soon as we get it done! You have surpassed where Carleigh was on her growth chart at 4 and a half and I think that you are going to fly right past her!! You can count, know your shapes and talk like and adult, you talk in multiple sentences and there isn't a word that you don't use! You call polka dots coconuts and the other day you said "Gee mom why you have to be so bossy" when I told you to put on your shoes, these kinds of sentences are pretty typical of you. You also LOVE to sing, you have knack for remembering words to the songs you hear on the radio even if you have only heard it a time or two! You are really into Dora the Explorer and Bubble Guppies right now and you really love to paint and play playdough! You will not learn your colors, no matter how hard I try, sometimes I will catch you off guard and you will tell me them correctly and so I think maybe you do know them, you just like to rile me up by not performing when asked! You are getting ready to go to your Pre-School screening and I am anxious to hear what they have to say! You still have a binky and I am totally okay with that, your beverage of choice is always an "ice cold milky" and you have a blanket with ribbons on the edge that you take EVERYWHERE with you (made with love by your auntie Tricia). There are days when you never stop, you go constantly and then there are days when you come to me and ask to rock in the rockin chair and we usually always do that when you request it! We love you so much Caylee and we can't wait to see all the big girl changes your going to make in the next year while relishing in all the characteristics that still make you our baby!!

1 Year Old
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2 Years Old! |
3 Years Old!! |
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