Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10 things you probably don't know about me :)

10. The Diary of Anne Frank is my ALL TIME Favorite Book and I read it for the first time in the 3rd grade! Although I am sure I was too young to understand it fully at that age I have read it many many times since!

9. You could usually find me at the top of the Accelerated Reader List all through school, one year I was even awarded a plaque :)

8. Even though I had a passion for reading, I hated to be assigned to read a specific book in High School and I almost always never understood why the books that got picked were ever made classics!

7. I have the dream of performing in the Muni someday! LOL!

6. I always wanted six kids, but am learning that 2 is a pretty prefect number

5. I went skinny dipping, in high school, with a church youth group :) yeah mull that one over for a bit! LOL! (PS it was all girls I mean we did have some boundaries!!!)

4. I hate math, all kinds in any shape or any form, the fact that Carleigh is going to start getting into math on a pretty regular basis scares me, good thing her dad is awesome at it!

3. I am the worlds WORST procrasinator but I do my best work under pressure!

2. I spent hours upon hours on a swing in my parents front yard, reading books, and listening to loud music cranked through my bedroom window, I cried lots of tears, spent endless hours on the phone, prayed lots of prayers for my future husband whom I thought would NEVER find me, and laughed A LOT on that swing, and now I live in that same house with my little family and I can't wait to replace the swing set, with a real swing so that my girls can do the same!

1. I have a dream, okay I have lots of dreams but I have a big dream of someday writing a novel, I want to hold a published verision of my very own book in my hands, and someday I am going to make that happen!! Someday!

0. I am the world's worst blogger! But I love it and I hope to somehow start to make it a routine of some kind! Thanks for hanging in there with me! ( Oh, and yes I know this makes 11, I hate math but I do know how to count!!)

And just because every post needs some kind of picture love.....


  1. Very good DeAnna, I'm sure you & your girls could get a part in the Muni someday. I don't think you would have any problem writing a novel, get started.

  2. I love reading your blog. I also am sure you could come up with a good book. Love Ya!
