Thursday, July 26, 2012

You just never know

Black Spandex Running Shorts, big baggy t-shirt that reads "This is my eatin shirt" and has fake grease spots all over it, gray socks, running shoes, hair thrown up in a very frizzy messy pony tail, and bangs that are sweaty, flat and stuck to the forehead and red faced and sweaty hot equals what I looked like one night after exercising at the track........This is what you need to know before I begin my story.

When I was in High School I had this very best friend who happened to be a boy whom I happened to be completely smitten with, it's true, we were close for lots of years, at one point I figured we would grow up and get married someday, but ya know what girl doesn't think about that with just about every boy she is ever involved with at some point in time...anyway, I DID NOT grow up and marry this boy, and our friendship declined pretty rapidly after I got involved with Tim, so it has been a good 8 or 9 years since I have even run into him ( can you see where this story is going....yeah I know your there already gee are you mortified for me?)  so anyway I am exercising at the track with my best friend and we get done at 10:06 p.m., ( you know how you ALWAYS remember the exact time of traumatic events...weird huh!) I was hot, tired, and still had housework to go home and finish and so I had the following conversation with myself:

ME: "So I think I will stop and get a ice cold, fizzy, wonderful, diet Pepsi to get me through my chores"
MYSELF: "not a good idea you look like dog crap on a hot day""
ME:"yeah but it is 10:06, I won't know anyone at Casey's this late and even if I do who cares right, I mean I did just get done at the track"
MYSELF: (As I turn the car into Casey's parking lot and scan all the license plates to ensure I know no one) "Sooo not a good idea"
ME: "Aww man I forgot my wallet, lets dig for some quarters"
MYSELF: (looking up from quarter digging, in my homeless looking outfit) " O.M.G I sooo told you SO! "
ME: " Oh no this is so not happening" (As I sheepishly look up and there HE stands with some really cute girl ( WHY do they always have to have a really cute girl with them)  getting ready to walk into the gas station, he smiles and waves I smile and wave even though I am sure I am about to die of mortification)
MYSELF: "Oh it is happening, it is DEFINITELY happening, just remember to........
ME: throw the car in reverse and speed quickly out of the parking lot, okay yeah I am on it.............

I never made it in for my soda, nope the Reverse out of the parking lot quickly was a MUCH better option, I didn't really need that soda anyway right....................

Guy at the gas station, if you are reading this crazy mom blog, don't be to flattered I would have been totally mortified to run into ANYONE from my past that night, it just happened to be you........
P.S. Hope life is treating you kind!

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