Monday, October 24, 2011

Caylee -31 months

Sweet Girl Caylee you are 31 months old today!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you have been in our lives for 31 months already! You weigh 52 pounds and are 41 inches tall!!!  This precious time is just flying by, I know mama holds on a little tighter because you are my last but I am so proud of all the big girl things you are doing and I am really relishing all the ways you are still my baby!! You are a talking pro, their isn't anything you can't say. You can definitely tell us what you are wanting when you want it. You call Carleigh sis or sissy and you love to go in and give her kisses each night before bed. You have really gotten into reading and like to sit and read books with us. You are a great eater but you won't eat any kind of vegetable, you love everything else. You are also a milk addict! you drink it like CRAZY!!! It is very possible that you still have a bottle and a binky but I will never tell, it is our little secret!!
Your facial expressions are priceless and you have a definite strong will to your attitude.... you are our little Denise the Menace and unlike any child that has ever crossed the path of our family yet. You are going down in the family record books as "more rotten than Tommy Jr!!!" LOL! and that is saying something because he was a very spirited child! We wouldn't change anything about you, although chasing you, I should be a size 6, funny how that doesn't work that way! Some of the things I want to remember about you at this age are : " I have a milky pweeeseee" "We take sissy to scool now mommy? ""mommy me go with you" I wuv you"  "you're my bestest fwriend" You also LOVE to sing!! You know the words to Gullah Gullah Islands many songs altough Blue's Clue is your new favorite, you really like Joe and Dora is becoming a fast favorite!! You are so excited about Halloween this year and I can tell that this Holiday season will be a favorite with you and Carleigh! You both are very animated and love to see the lights on houses. We drove around last night and you kept saying "pumkins and It scare me mom It scare me! I can't wait to see how much you change and grown in the next few months, it is hard to believe that when Carleigh was your age you were growing in my belly! We love you Caylee Michele!!!

Love, Mama

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