Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dear, Me at 16

There is so much I wish I would have known at 16, 21, and 25 so I am going to do a little series called "Dear Me"

Dear Me at 16,

First and Foremost, embrace that pant size, I am hear to tell you it is the smallest your ever going to be, don't be ashamed of your body because that will only bring down your self-esteem and you have a lot going for you. Love yourself because you are special, just because, you are YOU. Drive a little slower, life is going by fast enough, don't be in a hurry to get anywhere else, any sooner than you need too. Dance a little more, don't be a wall flower, the boys your trying to impress, really aren't going to be swayed but your dance swagger...Speaking of boys.... OH MY ....... that one your holding so tightly too, tell him what it is you have been meaning to say, don't wait......don't wonder, put it all out on the table.....even up the score so that you know right then and there if he is worth waiting for, being with, and giving a piece of your heart to, because you see, my dear, the waiting, the wondering, it grows into something beautiful but eventually becomes stunted, the weeds choke it out and you are left with a bunch of "if only's", it would have been so much better to have known, than to give that piece of your heart away, because it is so hard to reclaim it, and you can never get it all back....and you silly girl are the kind of girl that will grow up to find the positives in it all, you won't regret it, but if you could change a few things about how you did it you would definitely do it differently. Moving on, that homecoming party, don't hold back, just be you and go with it, don't be scared, this night will be one from your high school days that you will look back on and laugh about, and cherish, and just a side note, make sure and learn the difference between cop sirens on CD and real life ones....JUST SAYING! I guess, the most important thing I would say to you is that, it is all going to be okay, the life you are dreaming about it IS going to come true, you ARE going to get married to a WONDERFUL prince charming, you ARE going to be blessed with two BEAUTIFUL baby girl's and you WILL find fulfillment for that empty filling that all 16 year old girls have. So for this season in your life, just enjoy being a kid, enjoy lazy days sleeping in, read all the books you possibly can, spend as much time as your parents will let you with your friends, steal sweet first kisses in the headlights of your car, listen to the radio as loud as you can stand it. All of that grown up stuff, it is coming, and then you are going to be wondering what the hurry was!!


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