Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am not ready to let her go....

8 years ago in November I began my quest to motherhood, a journey that most know was long and heart wrenching for me, basal temperature charts, pills, sperm samples, post coital tests, numerous doctor's appts, tests, shots, progesterone gels, the list could go on, and then on January 13, 2006 after an emergency c-section, the doctors placed my sweet baby girl in my arms and I thought to myself I am never going to let her go,

I am going  to hold her and rock her and cuddle her and sleep with her, and I didn't put her down, I swear to you Carleigh didn't know what it was like to be in a bouncer or a swing, Tim and I fought over her, and when our family was around we still weren't very good sharer's! LOL! We took her with us everywhere we went and never left her with a babysitter until I had to go back to work and then I only worked a couple of weeks and I quit my job, because I wasn't ready to let her go....and we played and cuddled and loved, and then I went back to work part time and she got to go stay her her meme's whom she adored,

 and a I let a little piece of her go, but I would rush home to her and the years passed and it was time for pre-k, and I debated on whether or not to send her, It was an internal battle that I fought with myself and finally after much coaching and a lot of prayer for strength


I let her go for a few hours each morning and she loved it.......and now, today, the day before I am supposed to send her to kindergarten, where they are going to make her so independent, and teach her the correct ways to say bikini, and steal the rest of her babyhood away, they are going to teach her to correct ways to say all of her cute words, and she is going to be in charge of tying her own shoes......., she is going to have to open her own applesauce and carry her own lunch tray and be in charge of her own work, and today, I am just not ready to let her go..................

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