Carleigh was so excited to walk you to your class and you hung up your book bag on your look hook and unzipped your book bag like a preschool pro!!!
Meme and I walked you in and you sat down on the rug like such a big girl! I couldn't believe that you just ran over there, you didn't cry not one single tear!! Mama was so proud of you! 
Your classroom is really neat! It is fill with lots of new toys for you to play with, and so many fun things to do I know you are going to learn so much from your teachers and you are going to make so many friends!! Meme and I left and you did great, again you didn't shed a tear!! I waited anxiously to hear how your day went and when Mem got there to pick you up she sent me this picture

You were very busy playing like a big girl!! You called to talk to me and you said "mommy I had a great day! I colored and I drank milk and cookies and we wead books and I got to wead in the weading nook! hey meme where is my bink" and your mommy was a happy lady!!!! Caylee daddy and I love your sass and your spunk and all the cute things you do! We can't wait to see how much you change this year! We love you baby!
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