Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carnival!!!! Family Reunion!!!!!

Oh wow I have missed blogging!! Summer got here and life kind of exploded on me! But I think that I have gotten things under control and back into a semblance of a routine!! So let's play a little bit of catch up! The girls are both doing great! Caylee is cracking me up at how much she is mimicking Carleigh right now! She wants to do everything she does! It is pretty stinking cute! and Carleigh doesn't seem to mind at all! (Yet!) I am sure it is coming!! A couple of weeks ago the carnival came to town and we had a lot of fun, but it was very eye opening to me that Carleigh is definitely leaving the pre-schooler era and turning into a big girl! She rode most of the big kid rides!! and LOVED THEM!! Caylee is the prefect age for the toddler rides and Carleigh rode some of those with her too "just to be my helper"! This was the first carnival of the summer season and even though Caylee did some rides last year this was time she squealed and laughed and loved them and cried when we left! Carleigh had to get arm art :) Fun stuff! I am pretty sure she didn't wash that shoulder for like 7 days!
Miss Independent did her own hair ( I am so not ready for THAT stage!!)

 The weekend after the carnival was Family Reunion Weekend, Tim's Dad and Step Mom Carla came up from Texas and we camped the weekend at Tim's cousin's house! The rest of his family came on Saturday for a cookout! It was a nice time, it rained :( that was a bummer! It was cold like sweat shirts and long pants on memorial day weekend! UGH!! but we made the best of it and had a blast! I however was busy cooking, cleaning, chasing kids, playing in our new camper, chasing kids, unloading a sandbox and multiple other forms of entertainment. ( I like to feel like Mary Poppins with my magic bag of tricks!) and trying to get some visiting in!!
I enjoy being the butt of the family jokes ;)
Magic show anyone? Carleigh made this leaf disappear and reappear!! She that little speck on the ATV out there, yeah that's Caylee, she was a ATV pro!!! She LOVED it!
Not to be shown up by her sister and cousins!
Tim and all his cousins and brother? I am curious can you tell which one is his brother?
Gigi and Pops!! We like to make Gigi laugh :)
Tim's Aunt, Son, and Uncle :)
Caylee thinks she is going to Stow away to Texas! Her mama thinks NOT! 

Okay that catches me up on major events :) Check back tomorrow for our first ever "Flashback Friday!!!" I can't wait to post it!

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