Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Writer's Block, Memorial Day, Busyness and a Receipe Oh My!!!!

So sorry for the delay in blogging!!! I have a million ideas for posts but for some reason I can't get them communicated onto this screen in a way that I like them!! UGH!! I guess they call that some form of writer's block!!! We had a WONDERFUL Memorial Day weekend!! I wasn't on my computer at all over the weekend to do a post but we enjoyed camping at Tim's cousin's property with his Dad and Step mom, cousin's, brother, sister-in -law and nieces and nephews and aunt's and uncles! It was a great time that deserves it's own post just as soon as I get my hands on some pictures! On top of all of this I have been SWAMPED at work! and it isn't looking like the rest of the week is going to be any better! so for now I will leave you with the recipe I promised last week!! and I will be back soon with some new updates, and pictures!!!

This makes an awesome appetizer! Tim brought the receipe home from a coworker and we have made it numerous times since!!!!

Sausage Bread

2 cans crescent rolls
1 pound of sausage (mild or hot depending on your taste buds!)
1 package of cream cheese

Roll out one can of crescent rolls onto a cookie sheet
brown your sausage until fully cooked and then drop in your block of cream cheese and mix into the sausage until it is melted and mixed together.
Take mixture and spread onto rolled out crescent roll
Take second can of crescent rolls roll them out and cover the other crescent roll and mixture. Press sides firmly together to create a seal all the way around and cook at 350 until golden brown. Slice and enjoy while hot!!

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