On Saturday Night we took our little ladies on a date for pizza at JuanCarol's (Carleigh's name for DiCarlo's) and to their very first Drive In Movie!! It was so much fun and we highly recommend Rio!!!!
I was pleasently suprised with how inexpensive the treats in the snack bar were and it was very affordable to get into the theater too!! The girls stayed awake for the whole show and loved the singing birdies! Carleigh was confused at how the whole thing was going to work but then once we got the car situated and they lit up the big screen it was lots of ohhhs and ahhhs!! We had a great weekend filled with lots of fun! Mother's Day was great and I would love to do a post on it but I was super busy all day and never stopped to take pictures!! But pictures or not I got in a a lot of good time with my girls and am so blessed to be their mommy!! I remember those Mother's Day's when I wondered what the path to motherhood was going to look like for me and I remember thinking that I was going to accomplish being a mom no matter what path it took to get there! So to all you ladies who are wanting to be mommies and just aren't there yet! Hang in there and be determined!! The journey may be long and hard but the destination is well worth the wait!!! In the mean time I am praying for it to happen for you sooner rather than later!!

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